BlazBlue Wiki
BlazBlue Wiki



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Air Throw
You almost had me! Regular match
Sucks to be you! Regular match
Throw Reject
Don't think so! Regular match
Aww, too bad! Regular match
You make me SICK! Regular match
Throw Rejected
A matter of time! Regular match
Don't wet your panties! Regular match


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Force Eater
Here it comes! 頂くぜ, Itadakuze! This is gonna hurt! Regular match
Withstand this! 堪えてみな, Taete mina! Come and endure! Regular match
Struggle! 足掻け, Agake! Struggle! Regular match
Too easy! Regular match

Special Attacks

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Snake Bite
Snake Bite! 蛇顎!, Jagaku! Snake Jaw! Regular match
Retaliating Fang
Retaliating Fang! Ah, that feels so good… 牙穿衝!…気持ちいいだろう!?, Gasenshō! …Kimochī darō?!  Fang Drill Piercer!…Feels good huh?! Regular match
Retaliating Fang! Enjoy it! 牙穿衝!超~気持ちいいし!, Gasenshō! Chō kimochī shi! Fang Drill Piercer! That feels suuuper good! Regular Match
Cleaving Fang
Cleaving…FANG! 牙鎌撃!死ね!, Garengeki! Shine! Fang Sickle Attack! Die! Regular match
Come on, COME ON! Die! オラオラ!死ね!, Ora ora! Shine! Come on come on! Die! Regular match

Distortion Drives

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Gleaming Fang
Time to die… 滅閃牙!, Messenga! Destroying Flash Fang! Regular match
Gleaming Fang! 蛇境滅閃牙!, Jakyō Messenga! Snake Border Destroying Flash Fang! Regular match (Overdrive)
Have a taste… Regular match
Feel the burn!  Regular match (Overdrive)
The Divine Twin Blades
Divine… Twin Blades! 轟牙…双天刃!, Gōga… Sōtenjin! Booming Fang…Twin Heaven Blades! Regular match
Get ready… to die! 行くぞ!轟牙…双天刃!, Ikuzo! Gōga Sōtenjin! Here I go! Booming Fang Twin Heaven Blades! Regular match
Serpent's Laceration
Serpent's… Laceration! 大蛇…武錬殲!, Orochi…Burensen! Great Serpent…Martial Tempering Massacre! Regular match
Step aside… you idiot! 大蛇武錬殲!バカが!, Orochi Burensen! Baka ga! Great Serpent Martial Tempering Massacre! Idiot! Regular match
Venomous Bite
​Venomous…Bite! Regular match
Hyehaha! Hurts, don't it? ヒェッヘッヘッヘッヘッ…気持ちいーだろぉー!?, Hyehhehhehhehheh… Ite darō!? Hyehhehhehhehheh… Hurts right?! Regular match
Serpent's Cursed Sting
Serpent's… Cursed Sting! 蛇縛…封焉塵!裂けろ!, Jabaku..Fūenjin! Sakero! Snake Bind…Sealing To Dusting! Divide! Regular match
Serpent's… Cursed Sting! Guess it was too soon to play with me, you weak shit. 蛇縛…封焉塵!死ねよ!, Jabaku..Fūenjin! Shine yo! Snake Bind…Sealing To Dusting! Die! Regular match (Overdrive)
Serpent's… Cursed Sting! Hyahhahhah! 蛇縛…封焉塵!ヒャッハッハッ!, Jabaku…Fūenjin! Hyahhahhah! Snake Bind…Sealing To Dusting! Hyahhahhah! Regular match
Taste the serpent's sting! Awww, can't get enough?! 蛇縛封焉塵。…たまんねぇな!死ねよ!, Jabaku Fūenjin… Taman'nee na! Shine yo! Snake Bind Sealing To Dusting… I can't get enough! Die! Regular match
Taste the serpent's sting! Awww, can't get enough?! You're dead meat, man… 蛇縛封焉塵。…たまんねぇな!テメェ、終だぜ。死ねよ!, Jabaku Fūenjin… Taman'nee na! Temee, owari daze. Shine yo! Snake Bind Sealing To Dusting… I can't get enough! It's over. Die! Regular match (Overdrive)
Screeches of the Condemned
Ouroboros! Screeches….of the Condemned! ウロボロス!蛇麟…煉翔牙!, Uroborosu! Jarin… Renshōga! Ouroboros! Snake Shining…Refined Soaring Fang! Regular match
Ouroboros! Let me hear you cry! Hyehahaha! ウロボロス!蛇麟…煉翔牙!ヒャッハッ!, Uroborosu! Jarin… Renshōga! Hyahhah! Ouroboros! Snake Shining…Refined Soaring Fang! Hyahhah! Regular match


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Nightmare Reaper
I'm gonna KILL you! ぶッ殺す!, Bukkorosu! I'll beat you to death! Regular match
Alright, no more bullshit! もうめんどくせえのはナシだ!, Mō mendokuse no wa nashi da! No more bothersome stuff! Regular match

Astral Heat

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Kamigaeri: Orochizantō Reppūga
Feel the Wrath! Witness the dance of death! I am the one true Susano'o! DIE! 大蛇斬頭烈封餓!受けな、死の舞を!我、建速須佐之男命也、死ね!, Orochizantō… Reppūga! Ukena, shi no mai wo! Ware… Takehaya Susano'o Mikoto nari… Shine! Great Serpent Beheading…Violent Sealing Hunger! Take this, the dance of death! I am Takehaya Susano'o no Mikoto…Die! Regular match
Unholy Wrath…of the Basilisk! Hehe hehe hehe hyahahahaha!! I will show you… the true hand of god! 大蛇斬頭…烈封餓!ヒャハハ!ヒャハハ!ヒャッハハハハハハ!見せてやるよ、神の剣を!, Orochizantō… Reppūga! Hehe hehe hehe hyahahahaha!! Miseteyaru yo…kami no tsurugi wo! Great Serpent Beheading…Violent Sealing Hunger! Hehe hehe hehe hyahahahaha!! Let me show you…the sword of god! Regular match



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Unleashing Barrier! 事象壁解放!, Jishō-heki kaihō! Phenomenal barrier, release!
Get off of me!


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Quick Wake-up
危ね!, Abune! Dangerous! Regular match
Give me more! 楽くなてきたぜ!, Tanoshiku natekitaze! Let me enjoy this more! Regular match
Bring it! さぁ、来い!, Sā koi! Now come! Regular match
Emergency Roll
やるじゃねか!, Yaru jane ka! Aren't you good! Regular match



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Backward Jump
How dare you! 来な!, Ki na! Come! Regular match
Idiot. バカ。, Baka. Idiot. Regular match


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Ah… Just don't bore me, yeah? ああ…精々退屈為せんだよ。, Aa…seizei taikutsu sasen da yo. Ah…try not to bore me. Regular match
How many minutes will you last… or should I say seconds? 何「分」持つかな?…何「秒」か?ヘッヘッヘッヘッ!, Nanbun motsuka na? …Nanbyo ka? Hehhehhehheh! How many minutes will you burn? …Or how many seconds? Hehhehhehheh! Regular match
Make sure you do your part, and scream for me! 雑魚が雑魚らしく、確り足掻けよ。, Zako ga zako rashiku, shikkari agake yo. Small fry as a small fry, should struggle for me. Regular match
Ahahahah… What are we waiting for? ヘッヘッヘッ、…オラ、さっさと始めようぜ!, Hehhehheh… Ora, sassato hajimeyōze! Hehhehheh…Come on, let's start already! Regular match
Well then… Let's have a good time. ヘッヘッヘッヘッ、…さぁて、遊んでやるよ。, Hehhehhehheh… Sāte, asonde yaruyo. Hehhhehhehheh…Well then, let's play. Regular match
Tch… You asked for this, remember? 後悔するんだよ、テメエ。, Kōkaisurun dayo, temee. You're gonna regret this, punk. Regular match
Come on, little puppy… Try dying, yeah? 来いよ、子犬ちゃんよ!…バカ!いっぺん死んでみろや!!, Koi yo, koinu-chan yo! …Baka! Ippen shinde miroya!! Come, little puppy! …Idiot! Make sure by yourself!! VS Ragna
Hey, little doll… よ、人形。, Yo, ningyō. Hey, little doll. VS Noel
Shitty vampire… クソ吸血鬼が…, Kuso kyūketsuki ga… Shitty vampire… VS Rachel
Bring it on, Jin Kisaragi! Hyahahahahahahaha! 来いよ、ジン=キサラギ!…ヒェッヘッッヘッッヘッッヘッッヘッ。, Koi yo, Jin Kisaragi! …Hyehhehhehhehhehheh. Come, Jin Kisaragi! …Hyehhehhehhehhehheh. VS Hakumen
What the hell's gonna happen? どうなることやら?, Dō naru koto yara? What are we gonna do? VS Hazama
What do you want, old fart? んだ?ジジイ。, nda? Ji-jī. What, old fart? VS Valkenhayn
Four-Eyes… クソメガネが…, Kuso megane ga… Damn four-eyes… VS Platinum
…You. …テメエかい。, …Temee kai. …So it's you. VS Relius
You can meet your mother after I'm done. テメエもナインの所に送ってやるよ。, Temee mo Nain no tokoro ni okutteyaru yo. I'm sending you over to Nine's place. VS Kokonoe
Hehehe… I'm waiting, Kokonoe. ヘへヘヘ、…来いよ、ココノエ。, Hehehehe… Koi yo, Kokonoe. Hehehehe… Come, Kokonoe. VS Kokonoe
Don't tell me you're pussing out. ヘへヘヘ、…来いよ、ココノエ。, Hehehehe… Koi yo, Kokonoe. Hehehehe… Come, Kokonoe. VS Kokonoe
Celica Mercury?! Augh! Stay away from me! VS Celica


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Victory (Round)
Amazed you survived this long… もうちょい手ぇ抜いてやろうかぁ?, Mō choi te nuite yarō kā? Want me to hold back a bit more? Regular match
Want me to hold back a bit more? まじ弱い過ぎるわ、テメェ!, Maji yowai sugiru wa, temee! Seriously too weak, punk! Regular match
Stand up! I'm not satisfied yet… 立てよ!まだ満足したねぞ!, Tate yo! Mada manzokushitane zo! Stand up! I'm not satisfied yet! Regular match
Weak scum. クソ弱うぇ!, Kuso yowe! Weak as shit! Regular match
Victory (Match)
Shit, I went a bit too far! Ahahahahaha! やべ!本気だせ過ぎたわヘッヘッヘッヘッ!, Yabe! Honki dase sugita wa hehhehhehheh! Crap! I was a bit too serious hehhehhehheh! Regular match
You alive in there? 大丈夫ですか?, Daijōbu desu ka? You're alright there? Regular match
You can't beat me! 俺様に勝てるわけねぇだろう。, Ore-sama ni kateru wake nē darō. This great me can't be beaten. Regular match
Die, you small fry! Idiot! 雑魚が…死ねや! 馬鹿!, Zako ga… shine ya! Baka! Small fry…die! Idiot! Regular match
Hye hyehehhe hya hyahaha!! Weak! You're too weak! ヒェ、ヒェッヘッヘッ、ヒャ、ヒャッハッハッハッッハッッハッ!!弱うぇ!弱過ぎるだぜ!, Hye hyehhehhe hya hyahhahhahhahhahhah!! Yowē! Yowa sugiru daze! Hye hyehhehhe hya hyahahahahaha!! Weak! Too weak! VS Ragna
You shouldn't underestimate me. 蛇落舐めんじゃねぞ。, Jaraku namen jane zo. Don't underestimate the hell serpent. VS Noel
Stop meddling in my shit! まじうぜぇ、…死ねよ。, Maji uze… Shine yo. Seriously get lost…Die. VS Rachel
Weak shit… 雑魚が。, Zako ga. Small fry. VS Hakumen
Oh that was fun, y'know. Hehhehhehhehheh. 楽しいね、ヒッヒッヒッヒッヒッヒッ。, Tanoshī ne, hihhihhihhihhihhih. That was fun, hihhihhihhihhihhih. VS Hazama
Your time's passed. 失せな、老いぼれ。, Use na, oibore. Get lost, senile old fool. VS Valkenhayn
Give up already…I mean seriously! いい加減諦めな…ヒッヒッヒッヒッヒッヒッヒッ。, Īkagen akirame na…hihhihhihhihhihhihhihhih. Give up already…hihhihhihhihhihhihhih. VS Platinum
You know, I actually really hate dealing with you… いい加減疲れるわ、テメエの対手。, Īkagen tsukareru wa, temee no aite. I'm tired keeping you accompanied already. VS Relius
Die. 死ね~, Shine. Die. VS Kokonoe
Alright time to die. You sad? Hmm? Well are you?! …んじゃ、死ねや。悔しい?悔しいか!?エヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ!, …nja, shine ya. Kuyashī? Kuyashī ka!? Ehehhehhehhehhe! Alright, just die. Frustrated? Are you frustrated?! Ehehhehhehheheh! VS Kokonoe
Your time's up. You sad? Hmm? Well are you?! …んじゃ、死ねや。悔しい?悔しいか!?エヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ!, …nja, shine ya. Kuyashī? Kuyashī ka!? Ehehhehhehhehhe! Alright, just die. Frustrated? Are you frustrated?! Ehehhehhehheheh! VS Kokonoe


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Some sort of…mistake! …俺さまどうしたことが!, …Ore-sama dōshita koto ga! …How can the great me be! Regular match
Ah…shit… …ウゥエ!…やべ。, …Uue! Yabe… …Uuergh! Crap… Regular match
Are you…for real? うそ!まじで?!, …Uso! Maji de?! No way! For real?! Regular match
Ow…ouch…aurghhh!! That hurt, seriously!! 痛て痛て!まじ痛てヒャッハッハッハッハッ!, Ite ite! Maji ite hyahhahhahhahhah! It hurts it hurts! It seriously hurts hyahhahhahhahhah! VS Relius (Astral)


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You scared? Regular match
I don't have all day. Regular match
I really hate bullying. 弱い者苛めは好きじゃねぇな!, Yowai mono ijime wa suki janē na! I don't like bullying weak ones! Regular match
I'm waiting for you to suck less! さっさと本気だしてくんねぇか?, Sassato honki dashitekunnē ka? You're not going all out for real already? Regular match
I guess I'm just too damn strong! ああ俺様強過ぎってやべな…エッヘッ!, Ā ore-sama tsuyo sugitte yabe na…ehheh! Ah this great me being too strong is so troublesome…ehheh! Regular match
Are you okay in there? 大丈夫ですか? Daijōbu desu ka? Are you okay? Regular match