BlazBlue Wiki
BlazBlue Wiki



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5B / 2B
Hah! ハイ!, Hai! Here! Regular match
Here! どうぞ!, Dōzo! There you go! Regular match
Go! ドー!, Doh! Doh! Regular match
There! ここですか?, Koko desu ka? Here? Regular match
Uore! そーれ!, Sohre! Ohre! VS Ragna
How’s that? それ!, Sōre! How’s that! VS Ragna
5C / 2C / 6C / j.C / j.2C
Here? ココですか!, Koko desu ka! Right there! Regular match
Shink! 切り裂け!, Kirisake! Shred! Regular match
Like that? とう!, Toh! Toh! Regular match
カカッとねッ!, Kakatto ne! Just a bit! Regular match
Duryaah! デリャャャ!, Deryaaa! Deryaaa! VS Ragna
Muuah! ウゥゥァァァァ!, Uuuaaaa! Uuuaaaa! VS Ragna
Nice huh? 見えてますか?, Miete masu ka? Can you see it? Regular match
Get up. お立ちなさい!, Otachi nasai! Please get up! Regular match
Here! こっちです!, Kochi desu! Here! VS Ragna
Watch your feet. 足元がお留守ですよ!, Ashimoto ga orosu desuyo! I’ll take down your feet! Regular match
Over here! こちらですよ!, Kochira desu yo! Over here! Regular match
Faceplant! コケとけ!, Koketoke! Burn up! VS Ragna


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Standing Throw
There you are! それ捕まえた!, Sore tsukamaeta! Got you there! Regular match
Clockwork! 搦めて それ!, Karamete sore! Got you see! Regular match
Gotcha… 捕まえた…。Tsukamaeta… Gotcha… VS Ragna;
Your age is showing! VS Valkenhayn
Air Throw
Nuh uh! 逃がしませんよ!, Nigashimasen yo! You can’t run! Regular match
And stay down! 地面をお舐めなさい!, Jimen wo oname nasai! Please try the ground! Regular match
Go to hell! ゴ.ツ.ヘル!, Go tu heru! Go to hell! VS Ragna;
Stay on the ground! VS Valkenhayn
Throw Whiff
Whoa-hoh-hoh, there! 逃げないでくださいよ!, Nigenai de kudasai yo! Please don’t run! Regular match
You hate me? 私嫌わています?, Watashi kirawa te imasu? Not even me? Regular match
Hey! Get back here! おい逃げんないよ!, Oi nigennai yo! Hey don’t run! Unlimited
Throw Reject
Nope! 捕まえましたよ!, Tsukamaemashita yo! You won’t catch me! Regular match
Whoop! カカッとね!, Kakatto ne! Whoop! Regular match
Not this time! 危ない危ない!, Abunai abunai! Dangerous dangerous! Regular match
Come on! 見え見えですよ!, Mie mie desu yo! See it see it! Regular match
Don’t touch me! 触んじゃねーよ!, Sawan ja ne yo! Don’t touch me! VS Ragna
Too slow, buddy! とろいんだよ、馬鹿!, Toroin da yo, baka! Too slow, idiot! VS Ragna
Throw Rejected
Outstanding! ほう、…やりますね。, Hō…yari masu ne. Hoh… Aren’t you good. Regular match
Brilliant! お美事!, Omigoto! Well done! Regular match
Next time, pal! ケッ舐めんな!, Keh namen na! Keh! Don’t underestimate me! VS Ragna

Counter Assault

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Counter Assault
Bad plan, friend! Regular match
Go away, please. Regular match
Time to die, pest! VS Ragna


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This way! こちらですよ!, Kochira desu yo! Over here! Regular match
Gotcha! 捕捉!, Hosoku! Capture them! Regular match
Stretch 伸びる!, Nobiro! Extend! Regular match
Ahem! 絡め!, Karame! Catch them! Regular match
Ready?! いくぜ!, Ikuze! Let’s go!

VS Ragna

Hurts, don’t it?! 痛ぇだろ?, Itedaro? Does it hurt? VS Ragna
Ouroboros (B)
Two! 補正…二!, Hosei… Ni! Adjustment… Two! Regular match
Seh! せいっ!, Sei! Sei! Regular match
Well then… さてと!, Sateto! Well then… VS Ragna
Ouroboros (C)
Three! 補正…三!, Hosei… San! Adjustment… Three! Regular match
Hya! こっちですよ!, Kocchi desu yo! Over here! Regular match
Can you see it? 見えてるか!?, Mieteru ka? Can you see it? VS Ragna
Ouroboros (D)
One! 補正…一!, Hosei… Ichi! Adjustment… One! Regular match
It’s time… いきますよ…?, Iki masu yo…? Shall I go then…? Regular match
Whoohoo! ヒャハー!, Hyaha! Hyaha! VS Ragna


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Venom Sword
Venom Sword! 蛇刃牙!, Jabaki! Snake Blade Fang! Regular match
Impressive, no? どうです?!, Dōdesu?! How’s that?! Regular match
Die…! 死ねや…。, Shine ya… Die… VS Ragna
Serpent’s Benediction
Serpent’s Benediction… 蛇刹…。, Jasetsu… Snake Temple… Regular match
Well? さてと…。, Sateto… Well then… Regular match
Hih hih hih… ヒッヒッヒッ…。, Hihhihhi… Hih hih hih…. VS Ragna
Falling Fang
Falling Fang! 裂閃牙!, Ressenga! Rending Flash Fang! Regular match
This is gonna hurt! 痛いですよ!, Itaidesu yo! This is gonna hurt! Regular match
You idiot! バカが!, Baka ga! Idiot! VS Ragna
Rising Fang
Rising Fang! 牙昇脚!, Gashōkyaku! Fang Rising Leg! Regular match
Dancing blade! 舞刃脚!, Bujinkyaku! Dancing Blade Leg! Regular match
Die already! 死ねオラァッ!, Shine ora! Die! VS Ragna
Devouring Fang
Devouring Fang! 残影牙!, Zaneiga! Tracing Fang! Regular match
Yahoo! ヒャッハー!, Hyahhā! Hyahhā! Regular match
Uryaa! おうらっ!, Ōra! There! VS Ragna
Wind Serpent’s Fang
Wind Serpent’s Fang! 飛鎌突!, Hirentotsu! Flying Sickle Thrust! Regular match
Out of the way! 邪魔ですね!, Jamadesu ne! You’re in the way! Regular match
Slice and dice! 切り裂け!, Kirisake! Shred it up! VS Ragna
Hungry Coils
Hungry Coils! Strike! 蛇咬!, Jakō! Snake Bite! Regular match
There! Sssss! そこです!, Soko desu! There! Regular match
Ouroboros! C’mere! ウロボロス!吹っ飛べ!, Uroborosu! Futtobe! Ouroboros! Get lost! VS Ragna
Bloody Fangs
Bloody Fangs! 牙砕衝!, Gasaishō! Fang Smashing Piercer! Regular match
Excuse me! 失礼しますよ!, Shitsurei shimasu yo! Please excuse me! Regular match
Let’s be honest! 素直になれや…。, Sunao ni nare ya… Be obedient… VS Ragna

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気持ちいいでしょう?, Kimochī deshō? Feels good? Regular match
屎が!, Kuso ga! You little shit! VS Ragna
Wind Serpent’s Fang
Eat it! 退いて下さい!, Doitekudasai! Please move away! VS Ragna

Distortion Drives

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Serpent’s Infernal Rapture
I warned you… Serpent’s Infernal Rapture! 蛇翼…崩天刃!, Jayoku… Hōtenjin! Snake Wing… Crumbling Heaven Blade! Regular match
This may sting a bit… Serpent’s Infernal Rapture! いきますよ…蛇翼崩天刃!, Ikimasu yo… Jayoku Hōtenjin! Here I go… Snake Wing Crumbling Heaven Blade! Regular match
Just roll over and die ok?! Serpent’s INFERNAL RAPTURE! 死ねや雑魚が!崩天刃!, Shine ya zako ga! Hōtenjin! Die, you small fry… Crumbling Heaven Blade! VS Ragna
Colonel Relius! That’s gotta hurt! レリウス大佐…。痛いですよ!, Reriusu taisa… Itaidesu yo! Colonel Relius… This is gonna hurt! VS Relius
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent! Hahahaha! 蛟竜烈華斬!ヒャーッハッハッハッハーッ!, Mizuchi Rekkazan! Hyāhhahhahhahhā Serpent Dragon Violent Luster Slash! Regular match
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent! Feels goooood, don’t it?! 蛟竜烈華斬!…気持ちいーだろぉー!?, Mizuchi Rekkazan! …Kimochī darō?! Serpent Dragon Violent Luster Slash! Feels good, right?! Regular match
Come on over, let’s play… DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE! 遊んでやるから来な!…死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ねェ!, Asonde yarukara ki na! … Shine-shine-shine shine-shine-shine! Come over here and play! …DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE! VS Ragna;
I’ll entertain you for a bit! Addicting, huh?! オッサン…遊んでやるよ!どうよ?…癖になんだろ!?, Ossan… asonde yaru yo! Dō yo?… Kuse ni nandarō?! Old fart… let’s play! How’s that? …Like that yet?! VS Valkenhayn
Den of Hungry Snakes
And stay down… Slice and dice! Die die die die die! Face plant! Hih hih hih… そのまま死んどけ。切り裂け!…死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ねェ!焦げろけ。ヒッヒッヒッ…。, Sono mama shindoke. Kirisake! …Shine-shine-shine shine-shine-shine! Kogeroke. Hihhihhi… Just stay dead like that. I’ll tear you apart! DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE! Burn up. Hih hih hih… Regular match
What a shame… Slice and dice! Die die die die die! Face plant! Hih hih hih… つまんねぇな…切り裂け!どうよ?…癖になんだろ!?爆ぜろけ。ヒッヒッヒッ…。, Ahn? Tsumannē na… Kirisake! Dō yo?… Kuse ni nandarō?! Kogeroke. Hihhihhi… Ah? How boring… I’ll tear you apart! How’s that? …Like that yet?! Burn up. Hih hih hih… VS Valkenhayn
This is dumb…can we stop? Slice and dice! Die die die die die! Face plant! Hih hih hih… まだやるんですか、大佐?切り裂け!…死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ねェ!爆ぜろけ。ヒッヒッヒッ…。, Mada yarun desu ka, taisa? Kirisake! …Shine-shine-shine shine-shine-shine! Kogeroke. Hihhihhi… Are we still doing this, Colonel? I’ll tear you apart! DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE! Burn up. Hih hih hih… VS Relius

English Quotes Japanese Quotes Translated Japanese Quotes Note
Serpent’s Infernal Rapture
Roll over and die! Serpent’s Infernal Rapture! 死ねや!蛇翼崩天刃!, Shine ya! Jayoku Hōtenjin! Die… Snake Wing Crumbling Heaven Blade! VS Ragna
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent
Eternal Coils! This is getting fun! 蛟竜烈華斬!楽しませてください!, Mizuchi Rekkazan! Tanoshimasete kudasai! Serpent Dragon Violent Luster Slash! Let me entertain you! Regular match
Eternal Coils! Hahahaha.. Die! 蛟竜烈華斬!…ヒャーッハッハッハ死ねや!, Mizuchi Rekkazan! …Hyāhahaha shineya! Serpent Dragon Violent Luster Slash! …Hyahahaha die! Regular match
The Serpent’s Unholy Wrath
How’s this? Unyielding…Viper! これはどうです!?…大蛇武錬葬!, Kore wa dō desu?! …Orochi Burensō! How’s this?! …Great Serpent Martial Tempering Burial! Regular match
Die! Gyahahahaha! Not even worth my time. 死にな!おらおらおらおら!!…退屈しのぎにもなんねぇ、屑が。, Shini na! Ora ora ora ora! …Taikutsu shinogi nimo nan ne, kuzu ga. You’re dead! C’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon!! Nobody’s even gonna remember boring trash like you. VS Ragna


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You’re a goner man! これからが本番ですよ!, Kore kara ga honban desu yo! This is the crucial moment! Regular match
Time to finish this! 終らせますよ!, Owarase masu yo! Allow me to finish this! Regular match
I’m taking you to Hell! くたばりな!, Kutabari na! Drop dead already! VS Ragna

Astral Heat

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Hungry Darkness of 1000 Souls
Hungry Darkness of a Thousand Souls! In the name of Susanoo I command you… Awaken, Nox Nyctores… Ouroboros! 千魂冥烙!建速須佐之男命の名で命ずる…起動しろ、アークエネミー・ウロボロス!, Senkon Meiraku! Tatehaya Susanoo no Mikoto no na de meizuru… kidō shiro, Āku Enemī – Uroborosu! Thousand Souls Dark Branding! In the name of Tatehaya Susanoo no Mikoto I command… Activate, Archenemy… Ouroboros! Regular match
Hungry Darkness of A Thousand Souls! Oh undead serpent who slew a thousand in a single night… Open thine jaw and consume mine enemies! 千魂冥烙!一夜に千の死をもたらす冥府の蛇よ!その顎で、全ての魂を喰い尽せ!, Senkon Meiraku! Ichiya ni sen no shi wo motarasu meifu no hebi yo! Sono agito de, subete no tamashī o kui tsukuse! Thousand Souls Dark Branding! O underworld serpent of the thousand deaths night! With that jaw, devour the souls of everything! Regular match
Hungry Darkness of A Thousand Souls! Well? Feels good, huh? Fall… into the depths of hell. 千魂冥烙!どうよ、気持ちいいだろう!?堕ちな、冥府の底に…, Senkon Meiraku! Dōyo, kimochī darō!? Ochina, meifu no soko ni… Thousand Souls Dark Branding! So, does it feel good?! Just fall, into the underworld… Regular match
Hungry Darkness of a Thousand Souls! Hyahehehe! Run on home to mama! 千魂冥烙!ヒヒヒヒ!泣け!喚け!子犬ちゃんよォ!, Senkon Meiraku! Hihihihi! Nake! Wameke! Koinu-chan yo! Thousand Souls Dark Branding! Hihihihi! Cry! Scream! Little doggy! Regular match
It’s time for a little punishment! Hyahahahahahahahahaha! Die… お仕置きの時間だ!ヒャハハハハハハハハハァ!…堕ちろ。, Oshioki no jikanda! Hyahahahahahahahahaha! …Ochiro. It’s punishing time… Hyahahahahahahahahaha! Fall… Regular match
It’s time for a little punishment! I’ll let you feel the most exquisite pain! Does it hurt? DOES IT HURT?! お仕置きの時間だ!極上の苦しみを味わわせてやるぞ!痛ぇか?痛ぇだろ!?, Oshioki no jikan da! Gokujō no kurushimi wo ajiwawa sete yaru zo! Iteka? Itedaro?! It’s punishing time… Taste this finest pain! Does it hurt? It hurts, doesn’t it?! VS Ragna

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Hungry Darkness of 1000 Souls
One thousand Souls. Hahaha! Cry…. SCREAM!! 千魂冥烙!ヒヒヒヒ!泣け!喚け!叫べ!!, Senkon Meiraku! Hihihihi! Nake! SAKEBE!! Thousand Souls Dark Branding! Hihihihi! Cry… SCREAM!! Regular match
Time for some punishment! Run home to mama. Does it hurt? Huh? HUH! VS Ragna



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Play time’s over! お巫山戯が過ぎましたか!?, Ofuzake ga sugi mashita ka?! You like messing around?! Regular match
Burst! 事象壁解放!, Jishōheki kaihō! Phenomenal barrier, release! Regular match
Don’t get cocky! 調子に乗ってんじゃねぇ!, Chōshi ni notten janē! Don’t get carried away! VS Ragna


English Quotes Japanese Quotes Translated Japanese Quotes Note
I’m…really not much for fighting. 戦闘は専門外ですけどね…。, Sentō wa senmongai desu kedo ne… Fighting is not my expertise… Regular match
I’m Hazama, from Intelligence. Nice to meet you. 諜報部のハザマと言います。以後、…お見知りおきを。, Chōhōbu no Hazama to ī  imasu. Igo…omishirioki wo. I’m Hazama of the Intelligence Department. Henceforth…pleased to make your acquaintance. Regular match
Hm? Was this… Destined? これも確率事象てヤツなんですかね…。, Kore mo kakuritsu jishō te yatsu nandesu ka ne… So this is because of the continuum shift too… Regular match
Uhh, excuse me? …Of course not… Regular match
Am I allowed to pass? Huh, I guess not… パスってありですか?あら、…ダメですか。, Pāsu tte aridesu ka? Ara…dame desu ka. Can I pass? Oh…no good huh. Regular match
Let me show you the power of the Azure! Code S. O. L… Activate, BlazBlue! 見せてあげますよ、碧の力を!コード S・O・L、…ブレイブルー、起動!, Misete agemasu yo, Ao no chikara wo! Kōdo Eso Eru… BureiBurū, kidō! I’ll show you, the power of the Blue! Code S. O. L… BlazBlue, activate! Unlimited
Shut up and die! うるせぇぞ、…死ね!, Urusē zo… Shine! Shut up… Die! VS Ragna
You think I have your answers? 答えると思いますか?, Kotaeru to omoi masu ka? You think I will answer? VS Ragna
Code S. O. L… BlazBlue, activate. コードS・O・L、…ブレイブルー、起動。, Kōdo Eso Eru… BureiBurū, kidō. Code S. O. L… BlazBlue, activate. Unlimited
Dispatched, in mankind’s darkest hour, we, are knights of the blue flame. 我ら、終末の日に使わされし白日の使徒にして、蒼炎の騎士なり。, Warera shūmatsu no hini tsukawasare shi, hakujino shito ni shite, sōen no kishi nari. Dispatched, from the shadows into daylight, we are knights of the blue blaze. VS Jin
Damn vampire… 糞吸血鬼…。, Kuso kyūketsuki… Shitty vampire… VS Rachel
Ah… Truly a sight for sore eyes. おっと、これはまたお美しい…。, Otto kore wa mata outsukushi… Oh my this is a true beauty. VS Litchi
Ah Hakumen… It’s been too long. あら、ハクメンさん。…お久しぶり。, Ara Hakumen-san… Ohisashiburi. Oh Mr. Hakumen… Long time no see. VS Hakumen
Argh… I sense trouble. チッ!面倒臭い奴が…。, Chi! Mendokusai yatsu ga… Tsk! What a bothersome woman… VS Lambda
Let’s have some fun. 楽しませてくれよ。, Tanoshī masetekure yo. Let’s have some fun. VS Nu;
Pain and pleasure… I’ve got it all. 痛みと快楽を教えてやるよ…!, Itami to kairaku wo oshiete yaru yo…! I’ll teach you about pain and pleasure…! VS Nu;
Ehehehehehahah! Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show! ムフフフフフム。…さあ、楽しいショウの始まりです。, Muhuhuhuhuhumu… Sā, tanoshī shō no hajimari desu. Muhuhuhuhuhumu… Now, the exciting show will begin. VS Mu
Aw haw! Don’t get out of your rocking chair for my sake. ご老体に鞭打ってしゃしゃり出てきましたか…。, Gorotai ni muchi utte shashari dete kimashita ka… So you crash in on a wheelchair while still dreaming in retirement years… VS Valkenhayn
Don’t think this won’t show up on your next review. やれやれ、…急用パーティーに非理しますよ。, Yare yare… Kyūyō pāti ni hirishimasu yo. My my… such an unreasonable surprise party. VS Makoto, if she messes up the speech
These waves… Trinity? この波動、…トリニテか?, Kono hadō…Toriniti ka? These waves… Trinity, huh? VS Platinum
Kinda turned on right now, aint'cha Colonel? 貴方もツキですね、本当に…, Anata mo tsuki desu ne, hontō ni… You’re attached to this too, geez… VS Relius
Back jump
Wow! おっと!, Otto. Hotto. Regular match
Run run! 逃げ逃げ!, Nige nige! Run run! Regular match
Oh dear go easy, please. やれやれ。…お手柔らかに。, Yare yare… Ote yawa raka ni. My my… You’re too rough. Regular match
I’d really rather not fight. 私戦闘は苦手なんですが…。, Watashi sentō wa nigate nan desu ga… My way of fighting is running but… Regular match
Hey! Don’t puss out on me now! おいコラ!…ビビってんじゃねーぞ。, Oi kora! …Bibitten jane zo. Hey you! …Don’t be too scared. Unlimited
What’s the matter, little puppy? どうした子犬ちゃんよ…?, Dōshita koinu-chan yo…? What’s wrong little puppy? VS Ragna
What’s the matter, Major Kisaragi? どうしました、キサラギ少佐?, Dōshimashita, Kisaragi shōsa? What’s wrong, Major Kisaragi? VS Jin
Please, show me the Azure. 見せてださい、蒼を…。, Misete kudasai, Ao wo… Please show me the Blue… VS Noel
Play with me, shitty vampire! 遊んでくれよ、糞吸血鬼!, Asondekure yo, kuso kyūketsuki! Play with me, shitty vampire! VS Rachel
Hakumen… Seriously! ハクメン、…テメェウゼェよ!, Hakumen…temē uze yo! Hakumen… you give me a break already! VS Hakumen
Hurry this up will ya, old man? 早く来いよ、オッサン。, Hayaku koi yo, ossan. Come quick, old fart. VS Valkenhayn
What are we doing? 全くもう。, Mattaku mō. Good grief. VS Relius
I don’t have time for this! 時間がないのですがね…。, Jikan ga naino desu ga ne… I don’t have time for this! Regular match
Are you done yet? 早く、終わらませんか?, Hayaku, owarasemasen ka? Please hurry, are you done yet? Regular match
さってと、どうしましょうかね?, Satteto, dōshimashō ka ne? Well then, what should we do? Regular match
お手柔らかにお願いしますよ。, Ote yawa rakani onegai shimasu yo. Please go easy on me. Regular match
This is kinda boring… ハァ、…つまらないですよ。, Haa…tsumaranai desu yo. Haa… This is boring. Regular match
Wait, really? Come on now. えと、…それ本気なんですか?, Eto…sore honki nandesu ka? Um… Are you serious? Regular match
Hih hih hih… ヒッヒッヒッ…。, Hihhihhi… Hih hih hih… VS Ragna
Basic combo
How was that? いかがです?, Ikaga desu? How’s that? Regular match
Aaah that felt good. 私もなかなかやるでしょう?, Watakushi mo nakanaka yaru deshō? Am I quite good too? Regular match
Ahaha, that’s gotta leave a mark! ヒャハァ!チョー痛そ!, Hyaha! Chō ita so! Ahaaha! That’s gotta hurt a lot! VS Ragna
I’m pretty good, huh? 俺様強いんだろう?, Ore-sama tsuyoin darō? I am really strong, no? VS Valkenhayn
Pretty nifty eh colonel? VS Relius
Practical combo
What say we turn up the heat? 次はもっと痛くしますね?, Tsugi wa motto itaku shimasu ne? Even more next time okay? Regular match
Dead yet? Guess not. 一撃必殺…じゃないですね。, Ichigeki hissatsu…janai desu ne. One hit sure-kill… not at all. Regular match
You okay? No? Ahahahaha! 大丈夫?ね、大丈夫!?ヒャハハ!, Daijōbu? Ne daijōbu?! Hyahaha! You alright? Hey you alright?! Hyahaaha! VS Ragna
I’m even holding back for you! これでも手加減したんだぜ!, Kore demo tekagen shitan daze! This is still holding back! VS Valkenhayn
Still got it. VS Relius
Advanced Combo
Talk about a chain! Heh. これがチェィンコンボ!…なんちゃって。, Kore ga chein konbo! Nanchatte… This is a chain combo! Just kidding… Regular match
Feel that…? 利きました?, Kiki mashita? Effective? Regular match
Clean, Stylish, Lethal, Perfect!!! 決まったなこりゃ?ヒャハァハ!, Kimattara korya? Hyahaaha! Is this already settled? Hyahaaha! VS Ragna
What is this, a test? VS Relius
Time out
Oh my, I’m out of time? Regular match
Now then… what shall we do… Regular match
Well done. Regular match
Oh, for goodness sake! VS Ragna
Oh dear… I lost…? あらら、…負けちゃいました…。, Arara…makechai mashita… Oh my… I lost… Regular match
Guaha…! ウゥグゥォ…!, Uuguuo…! Uuguuo…! Regular match
Could this be…a dream…? あれ?…夢ですかね?, Are? …Yume desu ka ne? Eh? …This is a dream, right…? Regular match
You can’t be…serious…! まじ…ですか…?, Maji…desu ka…? For…serious…? Regular match
Are you…serious…?! まじ…かよ…?, Maji…ka yo…? Seriously…? Unlimited
Uuguuooaa…! ウゥゥァァァ…!, Uuuaaa…! Uuuaaa…! Unlimited
Victory (Round)
Huh? Done already? あれ?…もう終わりですか?, Are? …Mō owari desu ka? Huh? …Is it over? Regular match
Better stay down there, buddy. 出来ればもう叩ないで欲しいですが…。, Dekireba mō tatanai de hoshī desu ga… I would like to stop fighting if possible… Regular match
You want some more? まだやるんですか?, Mada yarun desu ka? You can still go on? Regular match
Won’t give up, will you? 諦めが悪いですね…。, Akirame ga warui desu ne… Not giving up is really bad… Regular match
もういやです。, Mō iya desu. Please, just no more. Regular match
And stay down… そのまま死んどけ。, Sono mama shindoke. Just stay dead like that. Unlimited
Hope I didn’t just kill death, haha. あらあら死神さん、生きてますか?, Ara ara Shinigami-san, ikite masu ka? Oh my, Mr. Grim Reaper, are you alive? VS Ragna
Did you get…weaker? あれ?弱くなちゃいました?, Are? Yowaku na chaimashita? Huh? Did you get weaker? VS Hakumen
It’s been too long. 久しぶりだな、…おい。, Hisashiburi da na…oi. It’s been a while huh. VS Hakumen
What a shame… もう終わりかよ?, Mō owari ka yo? Is it already over? VS Valkenhayn
I was getting a little bored there. あぁ?…詰んねな。, Aan? …Tsumanne na. Aan? …How boring. VS Valkenhayn
This is dumb. Can we stop? VS Relius
Victory (Match)
Hellooo? You alive in there? あーもしもし?生きてますか?, Aa moshi moshi? Ikite masu ka? Ah heeeello? Are you alive? Regular match
Alright, time to report back. さて、本部に連絡しますか?, Sate, honbu ni renraku shimasu ka? Well then, shall I report this? Regular match
Weaker than I expected… 意外と弱いんですね…。, Igai to yowain desu ne… Unexpectedly weak… Regular match
Fighting’s really not my thing… 戦闘は専門外なんですけどね…。, Sentō wa senmongai nandesu kedo ne… Fighting really isn’t my expertise… Regular match
B minus… こんなもんかな…?, Konna mon ka na…? Just this much huh…? Regular match
Good effort though… 勝てるとでも思ったか?, Kateru to demo omotta ka? You thought you could win? Regular match
Aaah well I think I’m all warmed up now… Time to die… 準備体操にゃよかったぜ、…そんじゃ死ねや…。, Junbi taisō nya yokatta ze…Honja shine ya… That was a good warm-up exercise…now just die… Unlimited
Don’t tempt me, idiot! 調子に乗ってんじゃねぇぞ、マジ殺すぞ!, Choshi ni nottennjanezo maji korosu zo! Keep on like that and I’ll really kill you! Unlimited
Are you insane? テメェ、マゾか?, Temee mazo ka? You…? Unlimited
Go run to your sister, boy. うるせぇぞ、このシスコン野郎。, Uruse zo, kono shisukon yarō. Shut up, you siscon bastard. VS Ragna
Hah… I don’t need you anymore. Just die okay, please? アァンテメエの出番は終わったんだよ、…そのまま死んどけ。, Aan temee no deban wa owattan da yo…sono mama shindoke. Argh your part is already over…so just stay dead like that. VS Jin
Well then Noel… Shall we? さて、ノエル嬢、…まいりますかね?, Sate, Noeru jō…mairi masu ka ne? Now, Lady Noel… Shall I see it? VS Noel
I won’t kill you… Not yet. まだ殺しませんよ、…まだね…。, Mada koroshimasen yo…mada ne… I’m not killing you yet… Not yet… VS Rachel
I just couldn’t kill someone so…respectable. 美しい女性を傷付けるのは、…気が引けますね。, Utsukushi jōsei wo hizutsukeru no wa…kiga hike masu ne. I can’t injure such a beautiful woman. VS Litchi
Still restrained I see… You should just…die. 所詮は縛られた身体か…?そのまま死んどけ。, Shōsen wa shibarareta karada ka…? Sono mama shindoke. Haven’t checked your body for a while huh? Then just stay dead like that. VS Hakumen
Kokonoe… You’ll need to do better than that! Eheeheehehee! おいココノエ、…テメエじゃ無理だ。…えひゃひゃひゃひゃ!, Oi Kokonoe…temee ja muri da… Ehehehehe! Hey Kokonoe, you just can’t do it… Ehehehehe! VS Lambda
That was rather…disappointing for a first lieutenant. ツバキ中尉、…もう少し頑張ってくださいよ。, Tsubaki chūi…mō sukoshi ganbatte kudasai yo. First Lieutenant Tsubaki… Please try a little harder than that. VS Tsubaki
Now please stand up! The show must continue! さぁ、お立ちなさい。…まだまだショウは続くのですか…。, Saa, otachi nasai… Mada mada shō wa tsuzuku no desu ka… Now, stand up… The show is still continuing… VS Mu
Just another toy after all… Useless! As I suspected. 所詮は人形。…役立たずですね?まったく…。, Shōsen wa ningyō…Yakutatazu desu ne? Mattaku… Just a doll… But I finally win, huh? Really… VS Makoto
Getting old sure is rough isn’t it? 寄る年波にゃ勝てねのな、オッサン…。, Yoru to shinami nya katene no na, ossan… Just because it’s coincidentally night isn’t enough to defeat me, old fart… VS Valkenhayn
I’m gonna make sure I erase every bit of you this time! 今度は魂ごと消滅させてあげましょう…。, Konkai wa tamashī goto shōmetsu sasete agemashō… I shall erase your soul completely this time… VS Platinum
There. Are you satisfied now? 満足しましたか?, Manzokushi mashita ka? Are you satisfied now? VS Relius

English Quotes Japanese Quotes Translated Japanese Quotes Note
You are a pain in the ass. VS Jin
You’re still alive? VS Noel
You know, at some point you gotta let them leave the nest. VS Rachel
Oh, you wanna fight me? VS Litchi
We seem to bump into each other a lot lately. 最近よくありますね、ハクメンさん。, Saikin yoku arimasu ne, Hakumen-san. You seem to be doing well lately, Mr. Hakumen. VS Hakumen
I’m…kind of done with you. VS Mu
Don’t worry, you’re still my subordinate… Sort of. VS Makoto
Damn old fart! VS Valkenhayn
Long time no see, Miss Trinity. お久しぶりです、トリニテさん。, Ohisashiburi desu, Toriniti-san. It’s been a while, Miss Trinity. VS Platinum
Let’s get this over with. 早く負わせましょうね。, Hayaku owasemashō ne. Let’s finish this quick. VS Relius
My oh my, Colonel Mutsuki? VS Kagura
Oh? I do look forward to this. オヤ…これは楽しみですね。, Oya… Kore wa tanoshimi desu ne. Oh my… I look forward to this. VS Terumi
Oh, Professor Kokonoe! Get tired of being an introvert? アラココノエ博士じゃないですか。引篭りにもう倦ったんですか?, Ara Kokonoe-hakase janai desu ka. Hikikomori ni mō akittan desu ka? Oh if it isn’t Professor Kokonoe. Bored of being a shut-in already? VS Kokonoe
Victory (Match)
Dude, she’s your sister. うるせぇぞ、このシスコン野郎。, Uruse zo, kono shisukon yarō. Shut up, you siscon bastard. VS Ragna
Now you mind dying for me?. VS Jin
Hahahahahaha now, what to do with you? VS Noel
Why not just leave the stage? VS Rachel
You’re kicking the bucket? ええっ!?もう終わりですか?, Ee!? Mō owari desu ka? Eh?! Is it already over? VS Hakumen
First Lieutenant? I believe you’re on duty. VS Tsubaki
Yesterday’s trash… VS Mu
At least TRY to understand where I’m coming from. VS Makoto
Die die die DIE! Heehahahahahahaha! VS Valkenhayn
You are a persistent little bitch aren’t you? 貴方わ煩いの人ですね。, Anata wa urusai no hito desu ne. You’re such an annoying person. VS Platinum
This is a VERY strange feeling. VS Terumi


Ragna the Bloodedge/Quotes · Jin Kisaragi/Quotes · Noel Vermillion/Quotes · Rachel Alucard/Quotes · Taokaka/Quotes · Iron Tager/Quotes · Litchi Faye Ling/Quotes · Arakune/Quotes · Bang Shishigami/Quotes · Carl Clover/Quotes · Hakumen/Quotes · ν-No.13-/Quotes · Tsubaki Yayoi/Quotes · Hazama/Quotes · μ-No.12-/Quotes · Makoto Nanaya/Quotes · Valkenhayn R. Hellsing/Quotes · Platinum the Trinity/Quotes · Relius Clover/Quotes · Izayoi/Quotes · Amane Nishiki/Quotes · Bullet/Quotes · Azrael/Quotes · Kagura Mutsuki/Quotes · Kokonoe/Quotes · Yūki Terumi/Quotes · Celica A. Mercury/Quotes · Λ-No.11-/Quotes · Hibiki Kohaku/Quotes · Naoto Kurogane/Quotes · Nine the Phantom/Quotes · Izanami/Quotes · Es/Quotes · Mai Natsume/Quotes · Susanoo/Quotes